TurtleBrains  0.3.5
High quality, portable, C++ framework for rapid 2D game development.
TurtleBrains::Math Namespace Reference

Contains objects and functions for dealing with Vector and Matrix math. More...


class  AngleType
class  Matrix3
class  Matrix4
class  Vector2
class  Vector3
class  Vector4


typedef AngleType< float > Angle


enum  AngleUnit { AngleUnit::Degrees, AngleUnit::Radians }
enum  ColumnMajorMatrix { ColumnMajor = 1 }
enum  SkipInitialization { kSkipInitialization = 0 }
enum  VectorComponent { kComponentX = 0, kComponentY, kComponentZ, kComponentW }


template<typename Type >
constexpr Type Pi (void)
template<typename Type >
constexpr Type TwoPi (void)
static const float kTolerance (0.00001f)
const float kPoundsToKilograms (0.45359237f)
 A constant for the conversion of 1 pound (lb) to 1 kilogram (kg).
const float kKilogramsToPounds (1.0f/kPoundsToKilograms)
 A constant for the conversion of 1 kilogram (kg) to 1 pound (lb).
const float kInchesToMeters (0.0254f)
 A constant for the distance conversion of 1 inch to 1 meter.
const float kMetersToInches (1.0f/kInchesToMeters)
 A constant for the distance conversion of 1 meter to 1 inch.
const float kFeetToMeters (0.3048f)
 A constant for the distance conversion from 1 foot to 1 meter.
const float kMetersToFeet (1.0f/kFeetToMeters)
 A constant for the distance conversion from 1 meter to 1 foot.
const float kMilesToKilometers (1.609344f)
 A constant for the distance conversion from 1 mile to 1 kilometer.
const float kKilometersToMiles (1.0f/kMilesToKilometers)
 A constant for the distance conversion from 1 kilometer to 1 mile.
const float kFootPoundsToNewtonMeters (0.73756214837f)
 A constant for the torque in ft-lbs to Nm.
const float kNewtonMetersToFootPounds (1.0f/kFootPoundsToNewtonMeters)
 A constant for the torque conversion from Nm to ft-lbs.
template<typename Type >
bool IsEqual (const Type &leftValue, const Type &rightValue)
bool IsEqual (const float leftValue, const float rightValue, const float tolerance=tbMath::kTolerance)
bool IsEqual (const double leftValue, const double rightValue, const double tolerance=tbMath::kTolerance)
template<typename Type >
bool IsZero (const Type &value)
bool IsZero (const float value, const float tolerance=tbMath::kTolerance)
bool IsZero (const double value, const double tolerance=tbMath::kTolerance)
template<typename T >
constexpr const T & Maximum (const T &leftValue, const T &rightValue) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr const T & Minimum (const T &leftValue, const T &rightValue) noexcept
template<typename T >
constexpr const T & Clamp (const T &value, const T &minimumValue, const T &maximumValue) noexcept
Vector3Vector3MatrixMultiply (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *inputVector, const Matrix3 *inputMatrix)
Vector3MatrixVector3Multiply (Vector3 *result, const Matrix3 *inputMatrix, const Vector3 *inputVector)
Matrix3MatrixMultiply (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *left, const Matrix3 *right)
Matrix4MatrixMultiply (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *leftSide, const Matrix4 *rightSide)
Matrix3MatrixMultiply (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *input, const float scalar)
Matrix4MatrixMultiply (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *input, const float scalar)
Matrix3MatrixComputeInverse (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *input)
Matrix4MatrixComputeInverse (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *input)
Matrix3MatrixFastInverse (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *input)
Matrix4MatrixFastInverse (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *input)
Vector3Vector3TransformCoordinate (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *inputVector, const Matrix4 *inputMatrix)
Vector3Vector3TransformNormal (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *inputVector, const Matrix4 *inputMatrix)
Vector4Vector4MatrixMultiply (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *inputVector, const Matrix4 *inputMatrix)
Vector4MatrixVector4Multiply (Vector4 *result, const Matrix4 *inputMatrix, const Vector4 *inputVector)
Matrix4MatrixCreateTranslation (Matrix4 *result, const Vector3 *translation)
Matrix4MatrixCreateTranslation (Matrix4 *result, const float translationX, const float translationY, const float translationZ)
Matrix3MatrixCreateScale (Matrix3 *result, const Vector3 *scale)
Matrix4MatrixCreateScale (Matrix4 *result, const Vector3 *scale)
Matrix3MatrixCreateScale (Matrix3 *result, const float scaleX, const float scaleY, const float scaleZ)
Matrix4MatrixCreateScale (Matrix4 *result, const float scaleX, const float scaleY, const float scaleZ)
Matrix3MatrixCreateRotationX (Matrix3 *result, const Angle rotation)
Matrix4MatrixCreateRotationX (Matrix4 *result, const Angle rotation)
Matrix3MatrixCreateRotationY (Matrix3 *result, const Angle rotation)
Matrix4MatrixCreateRotationY (Matrix4 *result, const Angle rotation)
Matrix3MatrixCreateRotationZ (Matrix3 *result, const Angle rotation)
Matrix4MatrixCreateRotationZ (Matrix4 *result, const Angle rotation)
Matrix3MatrixCreateRotationA (Matrix3 *result, const Vector3 *rotationAxis, const Angle rotation)
Matrix4MatrixCreateRotationA (Matrix4 *result, const Vector3 *rotationAxis, const Angle rotation)
Matrix3MatrixCreateIdentity (Matrix3 *result)
Matrix4MatrixCreateIdentity (Matrix4 *result)
Matrix4MatrixCreateLookAt (Matrix4 *result, const Vector3 &eyePosition, const Vector3 &targetPosition, const Vector3 &unitUp)
Matrix4MatrixCreatePerspectiveRH (Matrix4 *result, const float fieldOfView, const float aspectRatio, const float nearPlane, const float farPlane)
Matrix4MatrixCreatePerspectiveLH (Matrix4 *result, const float fieldOfView, const float aspectRatio, const float nearPlane, const float farPlane)
Matrix4MatrixCreateOrthoRH (Matrix4 *result, const float left, const float right, const float top, const float bottom, const float nearPlane, const float farPlane)
Matrix4MatrixCreateOrthoLH (Matrix4 *result, const float left, const float right, const float top, const float bottom, const float nearPlane, const float farPlane)
Matrix3MatrixAdd (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *leftSide, const Matrix3 *rightSide)
Matrix4MatrixAdd (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *leftSide, const Matrix4 *rightSide)
Matrix3MatrixSubtract (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *leftSide, const Matrix3 *rightSide)
Matrix4MatrixSubtract (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *leftSide, const Matrix4 *rightSide)
Matrix3MatrixTranspose (Matrix3 *result, const Matrix3 *input)
Matrix4MatrixTranspose (Matrix4 *result, const Matrix4 *input)
float Matrix2x2Determinant (const float f11, const float f12, const float f21, const float f22)
float Matrix3x3Determinant (const float f11, const float f12, const float f13, const float f21, const float f22, const float f23, const float f31, const float f32, const float f33)
float MatrixDeterminant (const Matrix3 *input)
float MatrixDeterminant (const Matrix4 *input)
unsigned int SeedRandomGenerator (void)
unsigned int SeedRandomGenerator (const tbCore::tbString &seed)
void SeedRandomGenerator (unsigned int seed)
int RandomInt (void)
int RandomInt (const int minimumValue, const int maximumValue)
float RandomFloat (void)
float RandomFloat (const float minimumValue, const float maximumValue)
Vector2Vector2Add (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *leftSide, const Vector2 *rightSide)
Vector3Vector3Add (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *leftSide, const Vector3 *rightSide)
Vector4Vector4Add (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *leftSide, const Vector4 *rightSide)
Vector2Vector2Subtract (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *leftSide, const Vector2 *rightSide)
Vector3Vector3Subtract (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *leftSide, const Vector3 *rightSide)
Vector4Vector4Subtract (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *leftSide, const Vector4 *rightSide)
Vector2Vector2Scale (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *input, const float scalar)
Vector3Vector3Scale (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *input, const float scalar)
Vector4Vector4Scale (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *input, const float scalar)
Vector2Vector2ScaleDivide (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *input, const float scalar)
Vector3Vector3ScaleDivide (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *input, const float scalar)
Vector4Vector4ScaleDivide (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *input, const float scalar)
Vector2Vector2Negate (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *input)
Vector3Vector3Negate (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *input)
Vector4Vector4Negate (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *input)
float Vector2DotProduct (const Vector2 *leftSide, const Vector2 *rightSide)
float Vector3DotProduct (const Vector3 *leftSide, const Vector3 *rightSide)
float Vector4DotProduct (const Vector4 *leftSide, const Vector4 *rightSide)
Vector3Vector3CrossProduct (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *leftSide, const Vector3 *rightSide)
float Vector2Magnitude (const Vector2 *input)
float Vector3Magnitude (const Vector3 *input)
float Vector4Magnitude (const Vector4 *input)
float Vector2MagnitudeSquared (const Vector2 *input)
float Vector3MagnitudeSquared (const Vector3 *input)
float Vector4MagnitudeSquared (const Vector4 *input)
Vector2Vector2Normalize (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *input)
Vector3Vector3Normalize (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *input)
Vector4Vector4Normalize (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *input)
Vector2Vector2NormalizeMagnitude (Vector2 *result, const Vector2 *input, float &magnitude)
Vector3Vector3NormalizeMagnitude (Vector3 *result, const Vector3 *input, float &magnitude)
Vector4Vector4NormalizeMagnitude (Vector4 *result, const Vector4 *input, float &magnitude)
Angle Vector3AngleBetween (const Vector3 *left, const Vector3 *right)
static Vector3RotationXZToForwardVector3 (Vector3 &result, const Angle &orientation)
static Vector2RotationToForwardVector2 (Vector2 &result, const Angle &orientation)
static Angle ForwardVector3ToRotationXZ (const Vector3 &forward)
static Angle ForwardVector2ToRotation (const Vector2 &forward)


static const float kPi = Pi<float>()
 A constant for the mathematical concept of Pi stored in a float.
static const float kTwoPi = TwoPi<float>()
 A constant for Pi * 2 stored in a float.

Detailed Description

Also known as tbMath, the objects and functions within the namespace TurtleBrains::Math are aimed to help reduce the burden with math by providing 2, 3 and 4 component Vector, 4x4 Matrix for transforms and a variety of helper functions for general purpose, converting values or interpolating.


Typedef Documentation

Specialization of the most common use of Angle, as a float.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Used to specify whether an AngleType object is in Degrees or Radians when constructing.


Specifies the angle input value is in units of Degrees.


Specifies the angle input value is in units of Radians.

The SkipInitialization type is used to provide a non-constructor to a few objects, essentially Vector2, Vector3, Vector4 objects. The non-constructor essentially leaves the members of the object uninitialized. This is unsafe but allows for slightly faster creation of the object with the premise that the values will be set immediately after.

Should be used only if the consequences are understood, and even then only sparingly.

Provides constant values for each component of the Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 objects to get the component values by index using operator[].


The index of the x component of the Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 objects.


The index of the y component of the Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 objects.


The index of the z component of the Vector3, Vector4 objects.


The index of the w component of the Vector4 object.

Function Documentation

template<typename T >
constexpr const T& TurtleBrains::Math::Clamp ( const T &  value,
const T &  minimumValue,
const T &  maximumValue 

Returns a value that falls within the given range of minimumValue to maximumValue using only the less-than operator for the type.

valueThe value that will be returned if it is within the range provided.
minimumValueThe lower end of the range to clamp the value at, will be returned if the value is less-than the range.
maximumValueThe upper end of the range to clamp the value at, will be returned if the value is greater-than the range.
There will be compile issues if called on a type that does not have an operator< to use.
static Angle TurtleBrains::Math::ForwardVector2ToRotation ( const Vector2 forward)

Converts a normalized 'forward' vector to an orientation value for 2D games. The orientation returned will be the radians in a clockwise (in normal 2D TurtleBrains with +X being to screen right, and +Y being to screen down) from the negative Y-Axis, meaning that something pointing up the screen (-Y) will return 0.

forwardshould be a normalized vector.
static Angle TurtleBrains::Math::ForwardVector3ToRotationXZ ( const Vector3 forward)

Converts a normalized 'forward' vector to an orientation value for 2D games. The orientation returned will be an Angle object clockwise (TODO: TIM: Double check this directional comment) from the ZAxis, meaning the input vector should be something like forwardX, 0, forwardZ instead of the forwardX, forwardY.

forwardshould be a vector on the XZ plane.
template<typename Type >
bool TurtleBrains::Math::IsEqual ( const Type &  leftValue,
const Type &  rightValue 

Compares two floating point values returning true if the difference between the two values is less-than or equal to the tolerance allowed.

leftValueThe value that would be on the left side of the comparison operator.
rightValueThe value that would be on the right side of the comparison operator.
toleranceAn optional value to change the tolerance of the comparison, smaller value means the floats need to be closer together, defaults to kTolerance.
template<typename Type >
bool TurtleBrains::Math::IsZero ( const Type &  value)

Compares a floating point values returning true if the difference between the value and zero is less-than or equal to the tolerance allowed.

valueThe value to check if it is within the tolerance range of zero.
toleranceAn optional value to change the tolerance of the comparison, smaller value means the floats need to be closer together, defaults to kTolerance.
static const float TurtleBrains::Math::kTolerance ( 0.  00001f)

When comparing a float for equality or to zero, this is the default tolerance used. When the difference is less than the tolerance, the values are considered the same.

float TurtleBrains::Math::Matrix3x3Determinant ( const float  f11,
const float  f12,
const float  f13,
const float  f21,
const float  f22,
const float  f23,
const float  f31,
const float  f32,
const float  f33 

Computes the determinant of the 3x3 matrix components and returns the result. Essentially a supporting function for MatrixDeterminant and ComputeInverse below for the 4x4 matrix.

Matrix3* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixAdd ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 leftSide,
const Matrix3 rightSide 

Adds two Matrix objects together into matrixResult and then the results matrix is returned.

resultThe matrix to fill out and return with the result of the two matrices added together.
leftSideThe matrix on the left side of the addition operator.
rightSideThe matrix on the right side of the addition operator.
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixAdd ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 leftSide,
const Matrix4 rightSide 

Adds two Matrix objects together into matrixResult and then the results matrix is returned.

resultThe matrix to fill out and return with the result of the two matrices added together.
leftSideThe matrix on the left side of the addition operator.
rightSideThe matrix on the right side of the addition operator.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixComputeInverse ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 input 

TODO: TurtleBrains: Math: This is not documented or implemented or tested... (Why does it exist at all?)

Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixComputeInverse ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 input 

Computes the inverse matrix that when multiplied against the initial input would result in an identity matrix.

resultThe matrix to store and return the computed inverse matrix of input. This cannot be the same matrix as the input matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
inputThe matrix to compute the inverse of, cannot be the same as the result matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
this is a fairly heavy lifter so use lightly.
Matrix3* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateIdentity ( Matrix3 result)

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------——///

Fills the matrix with the values from the identity matrix and returns the result.

resultThe matrix to fill out and return.
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateIdentity ( Matrix4 result)
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateLookAt ( Matrix4 result,
const Vector3 eyePosition,
const Vector3 targetPosition,
const Vector3 unitUp 

Creates a transform Matrix from a forward vector and up vector, similar to creating a LookAt.

resultThe matrix to fill out with the resulting LookAt matrix.
forwardThe direction the transform matrix will be pointing at, must be a unit vector of the direction.
upA unit vector representing the up vector, this is expected to be normalized / length of 1.0.
this is implemented as a "LookAtRH" if "LookAtLH" is ever needed, it will be added at that time.
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateOrthoLH ( Matrix4 result,
const float  left,
const float  right,
const float  top,
const float  bottom,
const float  nearPlane,
const float  farPlane 

Creates a right-handed orthographic matrix for 2D rendering given a few setup parameters. The Matrix will look something like the following once returned:

2 / (r - l), 0, 0, -(r + l) / (r - l), 0, 2 / (t - b), 0, -(t + b) / (t - b), 0, 0, 2 / (f - n), -(f + n) / (f - n), 0, 0, 0 1

resultWhere to store the resulting matrix and return.
widthThe width of the screen/window/surface available for the 2D rendering.
heightThe height of the screen/window/surface available for the 2D rendering.
nearPlaneThe distance to the near plane of the orthographic matrix. (closest Z value).
farPlaneThe distance to the far plane of the orthographic matrix. (farthest Z value).
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateOrthoRH ( Matrix4 result,
const float  left,
const float  right,
const float  top,
const float  bottom,
const float  nearPlane,
const float  farPlane 

Creates a right-handed orthographic matrix for 2D rendering given a few setup parameters. The Matrix will look something like the following once returned:

2 / (r - l), 0, 0, -(r + l) / (r - l), 0, 2 / (t - b), 0, -(t + b) / (t - b), 0, 0, -2 / (f - n), -(f + n) / (f - n), 0, 0, 0 1

resultWhere to store the resulting matrix and return.
widthThe width of the screen/window/surface available for the 2D rendering.
heightThe height of the screen/window/surface available for the 2D rendering.
nearPlaneThe distance to the near plane of the orthographic matrix. (closest Z value).
farPlaneThe distance to the far plane of the orthographic matrix. (farthest Z value).
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreatePerspectiveLH ( Matrix4 result,
const float  fieldOfView,
const float  aspectRatio,
const float  nearPlane,
const float  farPlane 

Creates a left-handed projection matrix for 3D rendering given a few setup parameters.

resultWhere to store the resulting matrix and return.
fieldOfViewThe angle (in radians) of the vertical field of vision for the projection matrix. To use horizontal field of view, just use verticalFOV / aspectRatio when calling.
aspectRatioThe aspect ratio of the window/screen or target render.
nearPlaneThe distance to the near plane of the projection matrix.
farPlaneThe distance to the far plane of the projection matrix.
To use horizontal field of view, just use verticalFOV / aspectRatio when calling.
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreatePerspectiveRH ( Matrix4 result,
const float  fieldOfView,
const float  aspectRatio,
const float  nearPlane,
const float  farPlane 

Creates a right-handed projection matrix for 3D rendering given a few setup parameters.

resultWhere to store the resulting matrix and return.
fieldOfViewThe angle (in radians) of the vertical field of vision for the projection matrix. To use horizontal field of view, just use verticalFOV / aspectRatio when calling.
aspectRatioThe aspect ratio of the window/screen or target render.
nearPlaneThe distance to the near plane of the projection matrix.
farPlaneThe distance to the far plane of the projection matrix.
To use horizontal field of view, just use verticalFOV / aspectRatio when calling.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationA ( Matrix3 result,
const Vector3 rotationAxis,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the specied rotationAxis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationAxisThe axis to rotate around, should be a unit vector, can be an arbitrary direction.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the Z-axis in degrees.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationA ( Matrix4 result,
const Vector3 rotationAxis,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the specied rotationAxis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationAxisThe axis to rotate around, should be a unit vector, can be an arbitrary direction.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the Z-axis in degrees.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationX ( Matrix3 result,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the X-axis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the X-axis in degrees.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationX ( Matrix4 result,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the X-axis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the X-axis in degrees.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationY ( Matrix3 result,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the Y axis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the Y-axis in degrees.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationY ( Matrix4 result,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the Y axis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the Y-axis in degrees.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationZ ( Matrix3 result,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the X-axis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the Z-axis in degrees.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateRotationZ ( Matrix4 result,
const Angle  rotation 

Creates a rotation transform Matrix object with no translation or scaling that will rotate around the X-axis by the amount specified by the rotation parameter.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
rotationInDegreesThe amount to rotate around the Z-axis in degrees.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateScale ( Matrix3 result,
const Vector3 scale 

Creates a scale transform Matrix object with no translation or rotation set to the position specified by the Vector object.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
scaleThe amount of scaling of each axis represented by the vector components.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateScale ( Matrix4 result,
const Vector3 scale 
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateScale ( Matrix3 result,
const float  scaleX,
const float  scaleY,
const float  scaleZ 

Creates a scale transform Matrix object with no translation or rotation set to the position specified by the x, y, z parameter values.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
scaleXThe amount of scaling for the transform matrix in the X-axis.
scaleYThe amount of scaling for the transform matrix in the Y-axis.
scaleZThe amount of scaling for the transform matrix in the Z-axis.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateScale ( Matrix4 result,
const float  scaleX,
const float  scaleY,
const float  scaleZ 
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateTranslation ( Matrix4 result,
const Vector3 translation 

Creates a translation transform Matrix object with no rotation set to the position specified by the Vector.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
translationThe amount of translation to add in each axis represented by the vector components.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixCreateTranslation ( Matrix4 result,
const float  translationX,
const float  translationY,
const float  translationZ 

Creates a translation transform Matrix object with no rotation set to the position specified by the x, y, z parameter values.

resultThe matrix to hold the result and be returned.
translationXThe amount of translation to add to the transform matrix in the X-axis.
translationYThe amount of translation to add to the transform matrix in the Y-axis.
translationZThe amount of translation to add to the transform matrix in the Z-axis.
float TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixDeterminant ( const Matrix3 input)

Computes the determinant of the 3x3 matrix by breaking it down into 2x2 determinants and returns the resulting scalar determinant.

float TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixDeterminant ( const Matrix4 input)

Computes the determinant of the 4x4 matrix by breaking it down into 3x3 determinants and returns the resulting scalar determinant.

Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixFastInverse ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 input 

Creates the inverse matrix for a special, ortho-normalized matrix by transposing the 3x3.

resultThe matrix to store and return the computed inverse matrix of input. This cannot be the same matrix as the input matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
inputThe matrix to compute the inverse of, cannot be the same as the result matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixFastInverse ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 input 

Creates the inverse matrix for a special, ortho-normalized matrix by transposing the 3x3 in the top-left, negating the translation and multiplying it by that new 3x3 and keeping the diagonal equal.

A = [ M b ] [ 0 1 ] where, M is 3x3, b is 1x3, and bottom is 0, 0, 0, 1 inv(A) = [ inv(M) -inv(M) * b ] [ 0 1 ]

resultThe matrix to store and return the computed inverse matrix of input. This cannot be the same matrix as the input matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
inputThe matrix to compute the inverse of, cannot be the same as the result matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixMultiply ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 leftSide,
const Matrix3 rightSide 

Multiplies two matrices together and stores the resulting matrix to be returned.

resultThe result matrix which will be the product of leftSide * rightSide when finished. This matrix cannot be the same as leftSide or rightSide or an error condition will be triggered.
leftSideThe matrix on the left side of the multiplication operation. This cannot be the same as the result matrix or an error condition will be triggered.
rightSideThe matrix on the right side of the multiplication operation. This cannot be the same as the result matrix or an error condition will be trtiggered.
Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixMultiply ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 leftSide,
const Matrix4 rightSide 
Matrix3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixMultiply ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 input,
const float  scalar 

Scales/multiplies each component of the matrix by the given scalar value.

resultThe result matrix which will be the product of input * scalar when finished.
inputThe original matrix that should be scaled / multiplied with the scalar.
scalarHow much to multiply each component of the matrix by.

TODO: TurtleBrains: Math: This will need some simple unit testing, though really it is easy enough.

Matrix4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixMultiply ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 input,
const float  scalar 

Scales/multiplies each component of the matrix by the given scalar value.

resultThe result matrix which will be the product of input * scalar when finished.
inputThe original matrix that should be scaled / multiplied with the scalar.
scalarHow much to multiply each component of the matrix by.

TODO: TurtleBrains: Math: This will need some simple unit testing, though really it is easy enough.

Matrix3* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixSubtract ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 leftSide,
const Matrix3 rightSide 

Subtracts rightSide matrix from the leftSide matrix and stores the result into result before returning.

resultThe matrix to fill out and return with the result of: leftSide - rightSide.
leftSideThe matrix on the left side of the subtration operator.
rightSideThe matrix on the right side of the subtraction operator.
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixSubtract ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 leftSide,
const Matrix4 rightSide 

Subtracts rightSide matrix from the leftSide matrix and stores the result into result before returning.

resultThe matrix to fill out and return with the result of: leftSide - rightSide.
leftSideThe matrix on the left side of the subtration operator.
rightSideThe matrix on the right side of the subtraction operator.
Matrix3* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixTranspose ( Matrix3 result,
const Matrix3 input 

Fills the compoments of result Matrix3 object so it would be the transposed of the input Matrix.

resultThe resulting matrix of the transposed operation on input, cannot be the same as the input matrix.
inputThe matrix to get the transposed result of, cannot be the same as the result matrix.
Matrix4* TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixTranspose ( Matrix4 result,
const Matrix4 input 

Fills the compoments of result Matrix4 object so it would be the transposed of the input Matrix.

resultThe resulting matrix of the transposed operation on input, cannot be the same as the input matrix.
inputThe matrix to get the transposed result of, cannot be the same as the result matrix.
Vector3 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixVector3Multiply ( Vector3 result,
const Matrix3 inputMatrix,
const Vector3 inputVector 

Multiplies a matrix and a vector together treating the vector as a 3(row) 1(column) matrix.

resultThe vector to hold the result of the transformed inputVector), must be a different vector object or an error condition will be triggered.
inputVectorThe vector to transform by the input matrix, must not be the same as result.
inputMatrixThe transform matrix to multiply inputVector by.
this is post-multiplication, treating the vector as a matrix with 3 rows and 1 column. This is like matrix * vector.
Vector4 * TurtleBrains::Math::MatrixVector4Multiply ( Vector4 result,
const Matrix4 inputMatrix,
const Vector4 inputVector 

Multiplies a matrix and a vector together treating the vector as a 4(row) 1(column) matrix.

resultThe vector to hold the result of the transformed inputVector), must be a different vector object or an error condition will be triggered.
inputVectorThe vector to transform by the input matrix), must not be the same as result.
inputMatrixThe transform matrix to multiply inputVector by.
this is post-multiplication, treating the vector as a matrix with 4 rows and 1 column. This is like matrix * vector.
template<typename T >
constexpr const T& TurtleBrains::Math::Maximum ( const T &  leftValue,
const T &  rightValue 

Compares the value of two similar types using the less-than operator returning the greater of the values.

leftValueThe value that would be on the left side of the comparison operator.
rightValueThe value that would be on the right side of the comparison operator.
There will be compile issues if called on a type that does not have an operator< to use.
template<typename T >
constexpr const T& TurtleBrains::Math::Minimum ( const T &  leftValue,
const T &  rightValue 

Compares the value of two similar types using the less-than operator returning the lesser of the values.

leftValueThe value that would be on the left side of the comparison operator.
rightValueThe value that would be on the right side of the comparison operator.
There will be compile issues if called on a type that does not have an operator< to use.
float TurtleBrains::Math::RandomFloat ( void  )

Create a random float in the range of: 0.0f <= value <= 1.0f

float TurtleBrains::Math::RandomFloat ( const float  minimumValue,
const float  maximumValue 

Returns a random float value between minimumValue and maximumValue inclusively.

minimumValueThe smallest possible random value desired, must be less than maximumValue.
maximumValueThe largest possible random value desired, must be greater than minimumValue.
This will trigger an error condition if minimumValue is not less than the maximumValue.
int TurtleBrains::Math::RandomInt ( void  )

Returns a random integer between 0 and RAND_MAX by returning rand(), a better random-number generator may be used in future versions of TurtleBrains.

int TurtleBrains::Math::RandomInt ( const int  minimumValue,
const int  maximumValue 

Returns a random integer between minimumValue and maximumValue inclusively.

minimumValueThe smallest possible random value desired, must be less than maximumValue.
maximumValueThe largest possible random value desired, must be greater than minimumValue.
This will trigger an error condition if minimumValue is not less than the maximumValue.
static Vector2& TurtleBrains::Math::RotationToForwardVector2 ( Vector2 result,
const Angle orientation 

Converts an orientation value from 2D into a forward vector. Orientation should be in radians, positive for clockwise rotation around the Z axis, 0 pointing along the -Y axis.

static Vector3& TurtleBrains::Math::RotationXZToForwardVector3 ( Vector3 result,
const Angle orientation 

Converts an orientation value from 2D (XZ plane) into a forward vector X, 0, Z. Orientation should be in radians, positive for clockwise rotation around the Y axis, 0 pointing along the -Z axis.

unsigned int TurtleBrains::Math::SeedRandomGenerator ( void  )

Generates a seed using time() and seeds the random generator, returning the seed used.

unsigned int TurtleBrains::Math::SeedRandomGenerator ( const tbCore::tbString seed)

Generates a seed using the hash of the string passed as parameter seed, then proceeds seed the the random generator, finally return the value as an unsigned int.

seedA string, usually shortish, to hash into an unsigned int which will be the generated seed.
void TurtleBrains::Math::SeedRandomGenerator ( unsigned int  seed)

Starts the random generator with a specific seed.

Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2Add ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 leftSide,
const Vector2 rightSide 

Add two the components of one Vector to another Vector and return the resulting Vector. Behavior is the same as Vector::operator+

resultis the result of leftSide + rightSide.
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the addition operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the addition operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2DotProduct ( const Vector2 leftSide,
const Vector2 rightSide 

Performs the DotProduct on two Vector objects returning resulting scalar value.

leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the dot product operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the dot product operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2Magnitude ( const Vector2 input)

Computes the length (magnitude) of a Vector object returning resulting scalar value.

inputThe Vector object to compute the length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2MagnitudeSquared ( const Vector2 input)

Computes the length (magnitude) of a Vector object without performing the square-root, so the resulting scalar is actually the squared length of the Vector.

inputThe Vector object to get the squared length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2Negate ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 input 

Negates each of the components of a Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of negating each component in input.
inputThe Vector object to negate.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2Normalize ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 input 

Calculates the unit-length vector of the input Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe unit length vector from the input, or a zero vector if the input had no length.
inputThe Vector object to get the unit-length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2NormalizeMagnitude ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 input,
float &  magnitude 

Calculates the unit-length vector of the input Vector and returns the resulting Vector and to save computing the magnitude elsewhere, this will return the value in the magnitude parameter.

resultThe unit length vector from the input, or a zero vector if the input had no length.
inputThe Vector object to get the unit-length of.
magnitudeThe length of the input vector as it must be computed.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2Scale ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 input,
const float  scalar 

Scales the components of one Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of input * scalar.
inputThe Vector object to scale by the scalar value.
scalarThe amount to scale the input Vector by. 2.0f would double the Vectors magnitude.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2ScaleDivide ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 input,
const float  scalar 

Divides the components of one Vector by the scalar and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of input * scalar.
inputThe Vector object to scale by the scalar value.
scalarThe amount to inverse scale the input Vector by. 2.0f would half the Vectors magnitude.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector2* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector2Subtract ( Vector2 result,
const Vector2 leftSide,
const Vector2 rightSide 

Subtracts the components of one Vector from another Vector and returns the resulting Vector. Behavior is the same as using Vector::operator-

resultis the result of leftSide - rightSide.
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the subtraction operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the subtraction operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3Add ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 leftSide,
const Vector3 rightSide 

Add two the components of one Vector to another Vector and return the resulting Vector. Behavior is the same as Vector::operator+

resultis the result of leftSide + rightSide.
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the addition operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the addition operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
Angle TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3AngleBetween ( const Vector3 left,
const Vector3 right 

Returns angle between vectors in radians, 0 is both pointing same direction, kPi if both vectors are pointing in opposite directions.

Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3CrossProduct ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 leftSide,
const Vector3 rightSide 

Computes the CrossProduct of two Vector objects. The resulting Vector will be perpendicular to the input vectors, or become a zero vector if those are parallel. Assuming a right hand coordinate system, X cross Y will result in Z while Y cross X would be -Z. An easy way to get the axis you want is to write xyzxyz, then find the axis you want (ex: Want Y, Y = Z cross X). Again this works for a right handed system because x cross y will be a positive z.

resultThe result of leftSide cross rightSide, also performed with operator^
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the cross product operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the cross product operation.
None of the input parameters can be null, and result must be different than leftSide and rightSide.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3DotProduct ( const Vector3 leftSide,
const Vector3 rightSide 

Performs the DotProduct on two Vector objects returning resulting scalar value.

leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the dot product operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the dot product operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3Magnitude ( const Vector3 input)

Computes the length (magnitude) of a Vector object returning resulting scalar value.

inputThe Vector object to compute the length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3MagnitudeSquared ( const Vector3 input)

Computes the length (magnitude) of a Vector object without performing the square-root, so the resulting scalar is actually the squared length of the Vector.

inputThe Vector object to get the squared length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector3 * TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3MatrixMultiply ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 inputVector,
const Matrix3 inputMatrix 

Multiplies a vector and a matrix together treating the vector as a 3(row) 1(column) matrix.

resultThe vector to hold the result of the transformed inputVector), must be a different vector object or an error condition will be triggered.
inputVectorThe vector to transform by the input matrix), must not be the same as result.
inputMatrixThe transform matrix to multiply inputVector by.
this is pre multiplication, treating the vector as a matrix with 1 row and 3 columns. This is like vector * matrix.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3Negate ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 input 

Negates each of the components of a Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of negating each component in input.
inputThe Vector object to negate.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3Normalize ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 input 

Calculates the unit-length vector of the input Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe unit length vector from the input, or a zero vector if the input had no length.
inputThe Vector object to get the unit-length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3NormalizeMagnitude ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 input,
float &  magnitude 

Calculates the unit-length vector of the input Vector and returns the resulting Vector and to save computing the magnitude elsewhere, this will return the value in the magnitude parameter.

resultThe unit length vector from the input, or a zero vector if the input had no length.
inputThe Vector object to get the unit-length of.
magnitudeThe length of the input vector as it must be computed.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3Scale ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 input,
const float  scalar 

Scales the components of one Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of input * scalar.
inputThe Vector object to scale by the scalar value.
scalarThe amount to scale the input Vector by. 2.0f would double the Vectors magnitude.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3ScaleDivide ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 input,
const float  scalar 

Divides the components of one Vector by the scalar and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of input * scalar.
inputThe Vector object to scale by the scalar value.
scalarThe amount to inverse scale the input Vector by. 2.0f would half the Vectors magnitude.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector3* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3Subtract ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 leftSide,
const Vector3 rightSide 

Subtracts the components of one Vector from another Vector and returns the resulting Vector. Behavior is the same as using Vector::operator-

resultis the result of leftSide - rightSide.
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the subtraction operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the subtraction operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector3 * TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3TransformCoordinate ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 inputVector,
const Matrix4 inputMatrix 

Multiplies a vector and matrix together to transform the inputVector into the space described by the inputMatrix storing and returning the result. This behaves identical to Vector4MatrixMultiply except with Vector3, 1.0f and it can reduce that final round of multiplications.

resultThe vector to hold the result of the transformed inputVector, must be a different vector object or an error condition will be triggered.
inputVectorThe vector to transform by the input matrix, must not be the same as result.
inputMatrixThe transform matrix to multiply inputVector by.
Vector3 * TurtleBrains::Math::Vector3TransformNormal ( Vector3 result,
const Vector3 inputVector,
const Matrix4 inputMatrix 

Multiplies a vector and matrix together to transform the inputVector into the space described by the inputMatrix storing and returning the result. This behaves identical to Vector4MatrixMultiply except with Vector3, 0.0f and it can reduces that final round of adding and the multiplications. It differs from TransformCoordinate by not applying the translation, useful for directions/normals.

resultThe vector to hold the result of the transformed inputVector, must be a different vector object or an error condition will be triggered.
inputVectorThe vector to transform by the input matrix, must not be the same as result.
inputMatrixThe transform matrix to multiply inputVector by.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4Add ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 leftSide,
const Vector4 rightSide 

Add two the components of one Vector to another Vector and return the resulting Vector. Behavior is the same as Vector::operator+

resultis the result of leftSide + rightSide.
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the addition operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the addition operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4DotProduct ( const Vector4 leftSide,
const Vector4 rightSide 

Performs the DotProduct on two Vector objects returning resulting scalar value.

leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the dot product operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the dot product operation.
None of the inputs can be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4Magnitude ( const Vector4 input)

Computes the length (magnitude) of a Vector object returning resulting scalar value.

inputThe Vector object to compute the length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
float TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4MagnitudeSquared ( const Vector4 input)

Computes the length (magnitude) of a Vector object without performing the square-root, so the resulting scalar is actually the squared length of the Vector.

inputThe Vector object to get the squared length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector4 * TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4MatrixMultiply ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 inputVector,
const Matrix4 inputMatrix 

Multiplies a vector and a matrix together treating the vector as a 4(row) 1(column) matrix.

resultThe vector to hold the result of the transformed inputVector), must be a different vector object or an error condition will be triggered.
inputVectorThe vector to transform by the input matrix), must not be the same as result.
inputMatrixThe transform matrix to multiply inputVector by.
this is pre multiplication, treating the vector as a matrix with 1 row and 4 columns. This is like vector * matrix.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4Negate ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 input 

Negates each of the components of a Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of negating each component in input.
inputThe Vector object to negate.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4Normalize ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 input 

Calculates the unit-length vector of the input Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe unit length vector from the input, or a zero vector if the input had no length.
inputThe Vector object to get the unit-length of.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4NormalizeMagnitude ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 input,
float &  magnitude 

Calculates the unit-length vector of the input Vector and returns the resulting Vector and to save computing the magnitude elsewhere, this will return the value in the magnitude parameter.

resultThe unit length vector from the input, or a zero vector if the input had no length.
inputThe Vector object to get the unit-length of.
magnitudeThe length of the input vector as it must be computed.
The input vector cannot be null.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4Scale ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 input,
const float  scalar 

Scales the components of one Vector and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of input * scalar.
inputThe Vector object to scale by the scalar value.
scalarThe amount to scale the input Vector by. 2.0f would double the Vectors magnitude.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4ScaleDivide ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 input,
const float  scalar 

Divides the components of one Vector by the scalar and returns the resulting Vector.

resultThe result of input * scalar.
inputThe Vector object to scale by the scalar value.
scalarThe amount to inverse scale the input Vector by. 2.0f would half the Vectors magnitude.
None of the inputs can be null.
Vector4* TurtleBrains::Math::Vector4Subtract ( Vector4 result,
const Vector4 leftSide,
const Vector4 rightSide 

Subtracts the components of one Vector from another Vector and returns the resulting Vector. Behavior is the same as using Vector::operator-

resultis the result of leftSide - rightSide.
leftSideThe Vector object to take the left hand side of the subtraction operation.
rightSideThe Vector object to take the right hand side of the subtraction operation.
None of the inputs can be null.